Ensuring a timely fitting of timber window boards to preserve quality and appearance.

Ensuring a timely fitting of timber window boards to preserve quality and appearance.

Here at Avon Timber, we’re not only passionate about supplying quality softwood and hardwood timber window boards, but also helping our customers to preserve their longevity so they can make the most of their investment. That’s why we wanted to highlight the importance of caring for your timber window boards by fitting them into place as soon as possible after delivery.

Timber is a natural material and as such it has properties that need to be considered, especially in the initial stages of use. One significant factor is its tendency to dry out over time which is influenced by environmental factors such as humidity and temperature.

When timber window boards are left unfitted after delivery, they are exposed to these environmental conditions without the stabilising support of being installed. As a result, they may begin to dry out unevenly, potentially leading to warping or distortion.

Warping can not only ruin the aesthetic of your window board, but also affect the functionality and structural integrity of your window. It may compromise your window seal and can result in gaps between the board and frame, leading to moisture infiltration, energy inefficiency and potential damage over time.

To prevent these issues and preserve the quality and appearance of your timber window boards, we strongly recommend fitting them into place as soon as possible after delivery. This ensures that they acclimatise to their intended environment in a controlled manner, minimising the risk of warping due to uneven drying.
By taking this proactive approach, you not only safeguard your investment, but also the integrity of your windows and window boards for years to come.

If you have any questions about our range of window boards and how best to fit them, our experienced team are on hand to provide any support or guidance you may need. So, feel free to give us a call: 02476 304848 or drop us an email: [email protected].